
Liberal crime squad seting safe houses
Liberal crime squad seting safe houses

liberal crime squad seting safe houses

It is incontrovertible that the congressman’s recent trip and vote for Iron Dome funding stands in opposition to DSA’s platform in support of Palestine and undermines a basic commitment to justice for Palestinians. The statement calls for his expulsion by DSA’s National Political Committee if he does not meet those demands.

  • Participate in a travel boycott of Israel and Palestine.
  • Support pro-Palestinian legislation and oppose anti-Palestinian legislation in Washington.
  • Liberal crime squad seting safe houses series#

    The Palestine working group’s statement includes a series of demands to be met by Bowman: The trip followed Bowman’s yes vote to provide an additional $1 billion to fund Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. The statement reports on Bowman’s recent participation in J Street’s propaganda trip to Israel, which included a photo op with Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett.

    liberal crime squad seting safe houses liberal crime squad seting safe houses

    The statement has been signed by several dozen DSA chapters, along with a handful of outside organizations like Al-Awda New York. In response to his actions, a small number of DSA chapters have called to expel Bowman, and the organization’s Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) and Palestine Solidarity Working Group penned a statement and collected signatories. How does a fledgling socialist movement keep politicians accountable? The question has been posed within Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) after Representative Jamaal Bowman voted to increase funding to Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system this September and then recently participated in a trip to Israel sponsored by J Street, a liberal Zionist lobbying group.

    Liberal crime squad seting safe houses